International Conference
on Environmental
Science and Technology


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IC EST2010

The Fifth International Conference
on Environmental Science and Technology

July 12-16, 2010
Hilton Hotel, Houston, Texas, USA

Paper and Poster Awards


Poster Award (5)

First Place (1)

Reza Kazemi and Tammy L Jones-Lepp of USEPA from Las Vegas, NV, USA
Poster title: Development of Analytical Method to Extract and Detect Pharmaceuticals in Plant Matrices

Second Place (1)

Xiaoming Zhao, Chunyan Hao, Bick Nguyen, and Paul Yang of Ontario Ministry of the Environment from Canada
Poster title: Determination of Residual Pesticides in Drinking and Surface Water by Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass

Third Place (3)

Deolu-Sobogun Suziat, Kevin Anthony, Mahmoud Saleh of Texas Southern University from Houston, TX, USA
Poster title: Comprehensive Assessment of Anti-Oxidant Activity of Essential Oils

Alexandre Picchi, Patricia H.L., S. Matai, and Mauricio G. Sabbag of São Paulo University from Brazil
Poster title: Remediation of a Contaminated Gas Station Using ISCO

Fabio Kaczala, Marcia Marques, and William Hogland of Linnaeus University from Sweden
Poster title: Bio-Treatability of Wastewater Generated During Machinery Washing in Wood-Floor Industries

Student Paper Award (7)

Timothy Doyeon Kim of Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies from Korea
Paper title: Neural Network Approach for the Prediction of Methane Concentration in Korean Mines

Claudiane Ouellet-Plamondon of University of Cambridge from United Kingdom
Paper Title: Metal Retention Experiments for the Design of Soil-Mixing Technology Permeable Reactive Barriers

Abhijit Chatterjee of University of Alaska Fairbanks from Fairbanks, AK, USA
Paper Title: Biosorption of Cadmium (II) Ions by Citrus Peels in a Packed Bed Column

Reginald B. Kogbara of Cambridge University, from United Kingdom
Paper Title: Process Envelopes for Stabilised/Solidified Contaminated Soils: Initiation Work

Yasmany Mancilla of Tecnológico de Monterrey from México
Paper Title: PM2.5 Emission Factors and Chemical Profile from Light-Duty Vehicles in Monterrey, Mexico: Tunnel Study

Ki Hae Yang of Mokpo National University from South Korea
Paper Title: Water Management by YAN Technology, YAN Microorganisms (YANM) and Titanium Bio-Ball

Yung-Chieh Wang of Georgia Institute of Technology from Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Paper Title: A Generalized Likelihood Sensitivity Analysis for Simulating the Water Quality of Constructed Wetlands

Young Scientist Paper Award (5)

Dr. TVN. Padmesh of Taylor's University College from Malaysia
Paper title: Kinetic, Isotherm, Thermodynamic And Column Studies of Biosorption of Lead [II] by Modified Shells of Portunus Sanguinolentus

Dr. Rafael Gonzalez Olmos of Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ from Germany
Paper title: Hydrophobic Zeolites for Removal of Organic Groundwater Contaminants. Adsorption Properties and Regeneration

Dr. Behzad Torabifar of University of Tehran from Iran
Paper title: PAH Removal in Biological Slurry Reactor Treating A Soil Contaminated With High Concentrations of TPH

Dr. Ma Limin of Tongji University from China
Paper title: Remediation of Eutrophic Water Body by Combining Typical Submerged Macrophyte and Bioenergizer

Dr. Alexandre Picchi of São Paulo University from Brazil
Paper title: Modeling Desert Sand Flow and Dune Advance: A Case of Kalahari Desert, Botswana.

Outstanding Conference Paper Award (5)

A. O. Al-Jasser of King Saud University from Saudi Arabia
Paper title: Pipe Service Age Effect on Chlorine Decay in Drinking-Water Transmission and Distribution Systems

V. Shashirekha and M. R. Sridharan of Central Leather Research Institute from India
Paper title: Performance of Consortium of Blue-Green Algal Species in Bioremediation of Tannery Effluent

Rosa-Hilda Chavez and Nicolas Flores-Alamo of Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, From Mexico
Paper title: Structured Packing Performance - Experimental Evaluation of Sulphur Dioxide Absorption in Water

Khumoestsile B. Mmolawa, Alfred S. Likuku and Gilbert K. Gaboutloeloe of Botswana College of Agriculture from Botswana
Paper title: Reconnaisance of Heavy Metal Distribution and Enrichment around Botswana

Yang Changming, Wang Yulai, and Li Jianhua of Tongji University from China
Paper Title: Plant Type Mediates Rhizospheric Microbial Characteristics and Bensulfuron-Methyl Degradation in A Riparian Soil



IC EST2008
IC EST2007
IC EST2006
IC EST2005

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